The HRSA-22-099: ATRP supports primary and secondary research studies that advance the evidence base available on the social determinants and risk factors associated with healthy life outcomes (physical, mental/emotional/behavioral, social, and educational/occupational) among adolescents and young adults with ASD who are transitioning to adulthood. Applicants to the HRSA-22-099: ATRP will conduct primary and secondary research studies, including at least one pilot intervention study,3 and try to leverage external funding for full intervention studies in the future. Studies should:
• Consider important priority areas (e.g., co-occurring mental health conditions in transition-age youth with ASD; training the pediatric and adult health care workforce on health care transition for ASD; employment, career development, economic well-being, and transportation for transition-age youth with ASD);
• Help set the direction for future research by identifying gaps that currently exist in the understanding of life outcomes, service needs and access, and effective service program models for transitioning adolescents and young adults with ASD;
• Improve the current understanding of desired healthy life outcomes for transitioning youth with ASD; develop measurement tools; and conduct studies that demonstrate the efficacy of innovative service models;
• Develop innovative, empirically sound strategies for increasing equity in desired healthy life outcomes for transitioning adolescents and young adults with ASD with a focus on underserved communities;4
• Identify barriers that limit the timely access to services for transitioning adolescents and young adults with ASD; and
• Promote greater national and public awareness of factors associated with desired healthy life outcomes for this population by providing leadership in the dissemination of findings from ATRP research.