Modification published on 10/23/2024
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This notice (HRSA-25-063)-announces the opportunity to apply for funding for the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. – Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Parts A and B cooperative agreement. The purpose of this initiative is to focus resources in 48 counties, Washington, D.C., San Juan, Puerto Rico (PR), and seven states with the highest incidence or burden of HIV to implement effective and innovative strategies, interventions, approaches, and services to reduce new HIV infections in the United States. The Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (hereafter referred to as the “EHE initiative”) focuses on four key strategies: •Diagnose all people with HIV as early as possible; •Treat people with HIV rapidly and effectively to reach sustained viral suppression; •Prevent new HIV transmissions by using proven interventions; and •Respond quickly to potential HIV outbreaks to get needed prevention and treatment services to people who need them. HRSA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Centers for AIDS Research (CFARs), the Indian Health Service (IHS), Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) are collaborating on implementation of these key strategies. HRSA’s responsibilities include increasing testing and prevention among Health Center Program patients, providing access to HIV care and treatment through the RWHAP and Health Center Program, and linking people with HIV, newly diagnosed or re-identified through testing programs, to care, and responding to outbreaks. For the Ryan White Program, the EHE initiative expands the program’s ability to meet the needs of clients, specifically focusing on linking people with HIV who are either newly diagnosed, diagnosed but currently not in care, or are diagnosed and in care but not yet virally suppressed, to the essential HIV care, treatment, and support services needed to help them reach viral suppression.