System Alert

As of September 1, 2024, TNGP, EB-TNP, TRC, RHCC, RESEP, RCORP-NAS 2, RCORP-CABH, RCORP-OR, RCORP-Psychostimulant Support and FLEX grantees will access their performance reports through the new HRSA Data Collection Platform via Salesforce and not in the Electronic Handbooks (EHBs). Grantees will receive an email with a link for the new system which can be accessed using your EHBs credentials. 


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HRSA Electronic Handbooks

Funding Cycle View


Rural Communities Opioid Response Program – Medication Assisted Treatment Access

  • Program Name:Rural Communities Opioid Response Program - Medication Assisted Treatment Access
  • Activity Code:HB1
  • Application Available:6/13/2022
  • Application Deadline:7/29/2022
  • Created By:Beach, Dawn
  • Created On:3/17/2022
  • Last Updated by:Wildberger, William
  • Last Updated On:6/24/2022
  • Estimated Project Start Date:9/30/2022

 Details of the changes posted in this announcement

Modification published on 06/24/2022
MODIFIED on June 24, 2022: Revision: Clarified the information required of applicants applying under the same UEI/EIN in Section III. Eligibility and Attachment 11.


 Announcement Information

Announcement Number HRSA-22-165
Announcement Code
CFDA Number 93.912
Provisional No
Activity Code HB1
Competitive Yes
Fiscal Year 2022


The Rural Communities Opioid Response Program (RCORP) is a multi-year HRSA initiative aimed at reducing the morbidity and mortality of substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD), in rural communities. This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the RCORP-Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Access Program. RCORP-MAT Access will advance RCORP’s overall goal by improving access to and quality of MAT and supportive services in rural communities. The purpose of this program is to improve health care in rural areas by establishing new MAT access points and increasing the capacity for sustainable MAT service provision in rural areas. This program is intended to support MAT to treat OUD, however HRSA encourages award recipients to also target alcohol use disorder (AUD) with MAT if the need exists. Over the course of the three-year period of performance, RCORP-MAT Access recipients will implement activities that are aligned with the following overarching program goals: Goal 1 - Establish new MAT access points to provide both medications and supportive services to individuals with OUD and/or AUD in rural communities; Goal 2 - Enhance the MAT workforce through recruitment, training, and the development of peer mentorship networks; Goal 3 - Build community capacity and infrastructure to support more effective and efficient MAT service provision; and, Goal 4 - Ensure sustainability of the new MAT access points through improved billing and coding, as well as enrollment of eligible individuals into health insurance. For the purposes of this NOFO, “MAT access” includes affordability, accessibility, acceptability, and availability of MAT treatment and supportive services for rural individuals who reside in the rural areas as defined by the Rural Health Grants Eligibility Analyzer. Additionally, HRSA defines MAT as the use of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to provide a “whole-person” approach to the treatment of substance use disorders, including opioid use disorder and alcohol use disorder (AUD). The target population for RCORP–MAT Access includes: • Individuals living in rural communities who are at risk for OUD and/or AUD; • Individuals living in rural communities who are diagnosed with OUD and/or AUD; • Individuals living in rural communities who are in treatment and/or recovery for OUD and/or AUD; • Their families and/or caregivers; and • Impacted community members3 who reside in the rural target service area. Applicants are encouraged to include populations that have historically suffered from poorer health outcomes, health disparities, and other inequities as compared to the rest of the population. Examples of these populations include, but are not limited to: racial and ethnic minorities, people who are pregnant, adolescents and youth, LGBTQ+ individuals, veterans, socioeconomically disadvantaged populations, the elderly, individuals with disabilities, etc.

 Application Information

Application Available 06/13/2022
Application Deadline 07/29/2022
Supplemental Application Deadline N/A
Explanation for Deadline N/A
Archive Date 09/27/2022
Letter of Intent Not required
Application Package SF424
Allow Applications to be Reopened in EHBs No
FOA Available Yes
Competitive Application Types Supported New
Allow Electronic Submission N/A
Page Limit for Application
Allow Multiple Applications
from an Organization from
Electronic Submission Instruction Electronic submission is/will be available in Grants.Gov

 General Information

Projected Award Date N/A
Estimated Project Period N/A
Estimated Project Start Date 09/30/2022
Estimated Project End Date 08/29/2025
Estimated Amount of this Competition $10,000,000.00
Estimated Number of Awards 10
Estimated Average Size of Awards $0.00
Cost Sharing No
Cooperative Agreement No

 Contact Information

Name Anna Swanson
Phone Number 3014432398

 Download Information

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Document Name Size Date Attached Description
v2 MODIFIED 6.24.22_FORHP HRSA-22-165 RCORP MAT Access_FINAL.pdf 605 kB 06/24/2022
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