This notice announces the opportunity for health centers funded by HRSA under section 330 of the Public Health Service Act to apply for funding under Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Quality Improvement Fund – Transitions in Care for Justice-Involved Populations (QIF-TJI). The purpose of this funding opportunity is to strengthen transitions in care for individuals who will soon be released from incarceration, increasing their access to community-based, high-quality primary care services. Through this one-time investment, health centers will build upon existing evidence-based models to pilot innovative approaches that connect or reconnect justice-involved individuals reentering the community (JI-R) to in-scope health center services that address critical health and health-related social needs.
FY 2025 QIF-TJI award recipients will pilot models of care that increase access to and engagement with health center services for JI-R individuals as they prepare for release from incarceration and return to living in the community. Your proposed QIF-TJI activities must align with the Health Center Program Scope of Project Policy Manual (Scope Policy Manual). A list of in-scope services for JI-R individuals is included in Appendix C.
Carceral authorities are obligated to provide medical care to incarcerated individuals within the carceral setting. Health centers may not use QIF-TJI funding to replace the obligations of carceral authorities to provide medical care or for any activities that are not specifically focused on engaging JI-R individuals with health center community-based primary health care to support transitions in care. In addition, health centers cannot use QIF-TJI funding to provide medical care to individuals who are more than 90 days from scheduled or expected release from incarceration or activities that are not aligned with associated guidance in this NOFO and its appendices.
For more details, see Program Requirements and Recommendations.