System Alert

As of September 1, 2024, TNGP, EB-TNP, TRC, RHCC, RESEP, RCORP-NAS 2, RCORP-CABH, RCORP-OR, RCORP-Psychostimulant Support and FLEX grantees will access their performance reports through the new HRSA Data Collection Platform via Salesforce and not in the Electronic Handbooks (EHBs). Grantees will receive an email with a link for the new system which can be accessed using your EHBs credentials. 


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HRSA Electronic Handbooks

Funding Cycle View


Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network: Series 2 (HV CoIIN 2.0)

  • Program Name:Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network
  • Activity Code:UF4
  • Application Available:11/10/2016
  • Application Deadline:1/11/2017
  • Created By:Wildberger, William
  • Created On:9/22/2016
  • Last Updated by:Haley, Bria
  • Last Updated On:11/10/2016
  • Estimated Project Start Date:9/1/2017

 Details of the changes posted in this announcement

Not Available

 Announcement Information

Announcement Number HRSA-17-102
Announcement Code
CFDA Number 93.870
Provisional No
Activity Code UF4
Competitive Yes
Fiscal Year 2017


This announcement solicits applications for the dissemination and scale up[1] of the most effective practices and interventions identified under the Home Visiting Collaborative Improvement and Innovation Network (HV CoIIN) and to research the development of specific tools and resources to advance quality improvement practices within the Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting program (MIECHV).[2] The purpose of this program is to: Plan, manage and execute the scaling up of clinical and other interventions tested and found to be effective in different contexts within the previous HV CoIIN in alleviating maternal depression, promoting early child development as well as identifying related delays and linking families to services, increasing initiation and duration of breastfeeding, and enhancing and increasing family participation in the home visiting program, Refine and evaluate a new set of evidence- informed change strategies using accepted evaluation methodologies, such as rapid Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles in alignment with best practices in home visiting implementation and the Maternal, Infant, Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) program new standardized performance measurements, and Assist MIECHV grantees[3] and local implementing agencies (LIAs) to build their capacity to utilize Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)[4] as a tool for ongoing program monitoring and improvement. [1] P Barker et al: A Framework for Scaling up Health Interventions. 2016.  This is how the authors describe the “Go to Full Scale” phase: “This is a rapid deployment phase in which a well-tested set of interventions, supported by a reliable data feedback system, is adopted by frontline staff on a larger scale. The focus is on rapid uptake of the intervention through replication. While some adaptation of the intervention to local environments will always be required, there is less emphasis on new learning. Significant will, knowledge, experience, and well-tested infrastructural support and capacity need to be in place before moving to this phase.” [2] Collaborative Innovation and Improvement Network (CoIIN) – a group of self-motivated people (or organizations) with a collective vision, enabled by the Web to collaborate in achieving a common goal by sharing ideas, information, and work.  The CoIIN provides a platform for collaborative learning and quality improvement toward common measurable aims using rapid-cycle tests of change ideas. Key features include collaborative learning, identification of common measures, rapid tests of change strategies, implementation of effective changes, and the use of real-time data to drive improvement.  The Home Visiting CoIIN (HV CoIIN) is a national collaborative to improve home visiting services and outcomes among low-income families with children 0-5 years old in key areas of public health: maternal depression, child development and breastfeeding. [3] In this FOA, “grantees” refers to HRSA award recipients who received either a grant or a cooperative agreement. [4] Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) -- an ongoing effort to increase an organization’s approach to manage performance, motivate improvement, and capture lessons learned in areas that may or may not be measured.  It is an ongoing effort to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, quality, or performance of services, processes, capacities, and outcomes.

 Application Information

Application Available 11/10/2016
Application Deadline 01/11/2017
Supplemental Application Deadline N/A
Explanation for Deadline N/A
Archive Date 03/12/2017
Letter of Intent Not required
Application Package SF424
Allow Applications to be Reopened in EHBs No
FOA Available Yes
Competitive Application Types Supported New; Continuation & Supplement
Allow Electronic Submission N/A
Page Limit for Application
Allow Multiple Applications
from an Organization from
Electronic Submission Instruction Electronic submission is/will be available in Grants.Gov

 General Information

Projected Award Date N/A
Estimated Project Period N/A
Estimated Project Start Date 09/01/2017
Estimated Project End Date 08/31/2022
Estimated Amount of this Competition $1,200,000.00
Estimated Number of Awards 1
Estimated Average Size of Awards $1,200,000.00
Cost Sharing No
Cooperative Agreement Yes

 Contact Information

Name Monique Fountain Hanna, MD, MPH, MBA
Phone Number (215) 861-4393

 Download Information

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HRSA-17-102 Final.pdf 661 kB 11/10/2016
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