System Alert

As of September 1, 2024, TNGP, EB-TNP, TRC, RHCC, RESEP, RCORP-NAS 2, RCORP-CABH, RCORP-OR, RCORP-Psychostimulant Support and FLEX grantees will access their performance reports through the new HRSA Data Collection Platform via Salesforce and not in the Electronic Handbooks (EHBs). Grantees will receive an email with a link for the new system which can be accessed using your EHBs credentials. 


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HRSA Electronic Handbooks

Funding Cycle View


Healthy Start Initiative: Eliminating Disparities in Perinatal Health

  • Program Name:Healthy Start Initiative-Eliminating Racial/Ethnic Disparities
  • Activity Code:H49
  • Application Available:9/28/2018
  • Application Deadline:12/18/2018
  • Created By:Beach, Dawn
  • Created On:11/29/2017
  • Last Updated by:Wildberger, William
  • Last Updated On:12/6/2018
  • Estimated Project Start Date:4/1/2019

 Details of the changes posted in this announcement

Modification published on 12/06/2018
updating for waiver

Modification published on 10/16/2018
MODIFIED on October 16, 2018: See Executive Summary for list.


 Announcement Information

Announcement Number HRSA-19-049
Announcement Code
CFDA Number 93.926
Provisional No
Activity Code H49
Competitive Yes
Fiscal Year 2019


This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Healthy Start Initiative: Eliminating Disparities in Perinatal Health program. The purpose of this Healthy Start (HS) program is to improve health outcomes before, during, and after pregnancy, and reduce racial/ethnic differences in rates of infant death and adverse perinatal outcomes. The HS program provides grants to high-risk communities with infant mortality rates at least 1.5 times the U.S. national average and high rates of other adverse perinatal outcomes (e.g., low birthweight, preterm birth, maternal morbidity and mortality). HS works to reduce the disparity in health status between the general population and individuals who are members of racial or ethnic minority groups. Beginning in FY 2019, the HS program will serve infants and families for the first 18 months after birth. This is a change from the current program design, which includes support for infants and families up to 2 years after birth. Since the HS program emphasis is on infant mortality/women’s health/perinatal health, this change allows the program to focus resources on these key purposes and associated milestones (e.g., provision of interconception care), while ensuring support for children through critical milestones (e.g., immunization milestones established by American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)). This change also reflects feedback from current recipients in the field to increase program capacity to serve more pregnant women within the project period and promote healthy pregnancy outcomes. HRSA will continue to ensure collaboration with other programs supporting early childhood (including the HRSA-funded Title V and Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) programs) to ensure continued support and healthy development for children born to HS participants. The HS program aims to address its purpose by: ? improving access to quality health care and services for women, infants, children, and families through outreach, care coordination, health education, and linkage to health insurance; ? strengthening the health workforce, specifically those individuals responsible for providing direct services; ? building healthy communities and ensuring ongoing, coordinated, comprehensive services are provided in the most efficient manner through effective service delivery; and ? promoting and improving health equity by connecting with appropriate organizations. Success in these aims should lead to reduced infant mortality, improved birth outcomes, improved maternal/family health, improved child health, and reduced disparities in maternal, infant and child health in HS communities.

 Application Information

Application Available 09/28/2018
Application Deadline 12/18/2018
Supplemental Application Deadline N/A
Explanation for Deadline N/A
Archive Date 01/26/2019
Letter of Intent Not required
Application Package SF424
Allow Applications to be Reopened in EHBs No
FOA Available Yes
Competitive Application Types Supported New; Continuation & Supplement
Allow Electronic Submission N/A
Page Limit for Application
Allow Multiple Applications
from an Organization from
Electronic Submission Instruction Electronic submission is/will be available in Grants.Gov

 General Information

Projected Award Date N/A
Estimated Project Period N/A
Estimated Project Start Date 04/01/2019
Estimated Project End Date 03/30/2024
Estimated Amount of this Competition $95,000,000.00
Estimated Number of Awards 100
Estimated Average Size of Awards $0.00
Cost Sharing No
Cooperative Agreement No

 Contact Information

Name Benita Baker, MS
Phone Number (301) 443-0543

 Download Information

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Document Name Size Date Attached Description
MCHB HRSA-19-049 H49 Healthy Start Initiative Final_MOD_10-16-18.pdf 425 kB 10/16/2018
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