System Alert

As of September 1, 2024, TNGP, EB-TNP, TRC, RHCC, RESEP, RCORP-NAS 2, RCORP-CABH, RCORP-OR, RCORP-Psychostimulant Support and FLEX grantees will access their performance reports through the new HRSA Data Collection Platform via Salesforce and not in the Electronic Handbooks (EHBs). Grantees will receive an email with a link for the new system which can be accessed using your EHBs credentials. 


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HRSA Electronic Handbooks

Funding Cycle View


Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A Planning Council and Planning Body Technical Assistance (TA) Cooperative Agreement

  • Program Name:National Training and Technical Assistance
  • Activity Code:U69
  • Application Available:10/17/2019
  • Application Deadline:1/29/2020
  • Created By:Beach, Dawn
  • Created On:10/24/2018
  • Last Updated by:Wildberger, William
  • Last Updated On:10/17/2019
  • Estimated Project Start Date:7/1/2020

 Details of the changes posted in this announcement

Not Available

 Announcement Information

Announcement Number HRSA-20-064
Announcement Code
CFDA Number 93.145
Provisional No
Activity Code U69
Competitive Yes
Fiscal Year 2020


This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS (RWHAP) Program Part A Planning Council and Planning Body Technical Assistance (TA) Cooperative Agreement. The goal of this cooperative agreement is to provide comprehensive technical assistance to RWHAP Part A Planning Councils and Planning Bodies (Planning Councils/Bodies) to enable them to enhance their abilities to successfully meet legislative responsibilities. In an effort to meet goals and legislative responsibilities, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) will engage an organization with national reach to provide Planning Council- and transitional grant area (TGA) Planning Body-related technical assistance to recipients, jurisdictional leadership, and Planning Councils/Bodies support staff. Comprehensive site visits conducted by the HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) Division of Metropolitan HIV/AIDS Programs (DMHAP) for each of the 52 RWHAP Part A jurisdictions have identified a critical need for an ongoing, comprehensive technical assistance mechanism for Part A Planning Councils/Bodies. This technical assistance and support will enable them to enhance their abilities to successfully meet legislative requirements, strengthen their role in providing essential engagement of people with HIV, and increase the involvement of prevention and care and treatment providers in the RWHAP Part A planning process. The recipient of this cooperative agreement will offer a full range of technical assistance delivered through both in-person and virtual methods, including but not limited to creating and updating resource guidance tools. This technical assistance will include, but is not limited to, on-site and distance learning training and TA, national webinars, group learning sessions, creation of training materials and other resources, and training of trainers. Target audiences will include Planning Councils/Bodies, Part A recipients, jurisdictional leadership, and Planning Councils/Planning Bodies support staff. The recipient will work with TargetHIV as the forum to disseminate information, materials, and products.

 Application Information

Application Available 10/17/2019
Application Deadline 01/29/2020
Supplemental Application Deadline N/A
Explanation for Deadline N/A
Archive Date 03/29/2020
Letter of Intent Not required
Application Package SF424
Allow Applications to be Reopened in EHBs No
FOA Available Yes
Competitive Application Types Supported New; Continuation & Supplement
Allow Electronic Submission N/A
Page Limit for Application
Allow Multiple Applications
from an Organization from
Electronic Submission Instruction Electronic submission is/will be available in Grants.Gov

 General Information

Projected Award Date N/A
Estimated Project Period N/A
Estimated Project Start Date 07/01/2020
Estimated Project End Date 06/30/2023
Estimated Amount of this Competition $500,000.00
Estimated Number of Awards 1
Estimated Average Size of Awards $0.00
Cost Sharing No
Cooperative Agreement Yes

 Contact Information

Name Helen Rovito
Phone Number (301)443-3286

 Download Information

Expand FOA (Guidance) Attachment (Maximum 1)
Document Name Size Date Attached Description
HAB HRSA-20-064 Part A TA (U69) final.pdf 363 kB 10/17/2019
Expand Application Package (Maximum 1)
No documents attached
Expand User Guide (Maximum 1)
No documents attached

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