HRSA’s Rural Residency Planning and Development (RRPD) initiative improves and expands access to health care in rural areas by developing new, sustainable rural residency programs. This initiative comprises two programs: the RRPD grants program, which funds organizations to create new, sustainable rural residency programs, and this RRPD technical assistance (TA) program.
The purpose of this cooperative agreement is to provide TA to organizations to create and sustain new rural residency programs that will expand the rural physician workforce. If you receive this award, you will provide TA, tools, and resources to organizations developing rural residency programs, such as RRPD award recipients and applicants, to help overcome the significant challenges and barriers they face.
For this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO), rural residency programs:
Are accredited physician residency programs.
Train residents in rural training sites for greater than 50 percent of their time in residency.
Focus on producing physicians who will practice in rural communities.
This includes programs that meet the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Rural Track Program (RTP) designation, including both new programs seeking accreditation and existing programs that apply for a permanent complement increase to train additional residents at new rural training site(s).