System Alert

As of September 1, 2024, TNGP, EB-TNP, TRC, RHCC, RESEP, RCORP-NAS 2, RCORP-CABH, RCORP-OR, RCORP-Psychostimulant Support and FLEX grantees will access their performance reports through the new HRSA Data Collection Platform via Salesforce and not in the Electronic Handbooks (EHBs). Grantees will receive an email with a link for the new system which can be accessed using your EHBs credentials. 


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Funding Opportunities - List

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 Announcement NumberGrants.Gov Application DeadlineEHB Application DeadlineApplication Available DateActivity CodeProgram NameCFDA NumberStatusOptions
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HRSA-25-077f9b968c7-7b98-4352-8b1f-0a7f1cffe62d9/20/2024 Due in 2 days at 11:59 PM ETN/A7/19/2024 Available in 61 days at 12:00 AM ETT91Teaching Health Center (THC) Graduate Medical Education (GME) Payment Program Electronic submission of application is/will be available on Grants.Gov for this funding opportunity. Please select 'Apply in' link to register and apply. Refer to the guidance for more information93.530 Open
  • Cooperative Agreement False
  • Guidance Availablility Yes
  • Purpose The purpose of the THCGME Program is to support the training of residents in primary care residency training programs in community-based ambulatory patient care centers. These residency programs will prepare residents to provide high-quality care, particularly in rural and underserved communities, and develop competencies to serve these diverse populations and communities. These notices announce the opportunity to apply for funding under the THCGME Program. This funding will support both the direct expenses associated with sponsoring approved graduate medical residency training programs and indirect expenses associated with the additional costs relating to teaching residents in residency training programs. Two award types are available: 1. Expansion awards for an increased number of resident Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions at existing HRSA THCGME Programs. 2. New awards to support new resident FTE positions at new Teaching Health Centers (THCs). New THCs are those applicants seeking funding for residency programs that have never received payment under the HRSA THCGME Program for the applicable residency program in any previous fiscal year. As described in 340H(h)(2)(B), all resident FTEs for whom THCGME support is requested must be above the program’s resident FTE baseline and must not put the program above the number approved by or awaiting approval by, the relevant accrediting body. Please review program objectives for more information.
  • Eligibility Information Not Available
HRSA-25-01507b43b94-2092-4c26-91a8-6674dc3745159/24/2024 Due in 6 days at 11:59 PM ET10/24/2024 Due in 36 days at 5:00 PM ET7/25/2024 Available in 55 days at 12:00 AM ETH80Health Center Program Electronic submission of application is/will be available on Grants.Gov for this funding opportunity. Please select 'Apply in' link to register and apply. Refer to the guidance for more information93.224 Open
  • Cooperative Agreement False
  • Guidance Availablility Yes
  • Purpose This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Health Center Program’s Service Area Competition (SAC). The purpose of this funding is to ensure continuity of care in the communities and populations currently served by the Health Center Program. See Program Requirements and Expectations for more details.
  • Eligibility Information Not Available
HRSA-25-054435276ab-f2d2-4deb-b270-8b3b50c912c110/1/2024 Due in 13 days at 11:59 PM ETN/A7/3/2024 Available in 77 days at 12:00 AM ETH89Ryan White Part A HIV Emergency Relief Grant Program Electronic submission of application is/will be available on Grants.Gov for this funding opportunity. Please select 'Apply in' link to register and apply. Refer to the guidance for more information93.914 Open
  • Cooperative Agreement False
  • Guidance Availablility Yes
  • Purpose This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part A HIV Emergency Relief Grant Program. The purpose of this program is to provide direct financial assistance to an eligible metropolitan area (EMA) or transitional grant area (TGA) that has been severely affected by the HIV epidemic. Grant funds assist eligible jurisdictions to develop or enhance access to comprehensive, high quality, community-based care for people with HIV through the provision of grant funds. The goal is to provide optimal HIV care and treatment for people with HIV and improve their medical outcomes. RWHAP Part A recipients must use these funds to provide comprehensive primary health care and support services throughout the entire designated geographic service area. Your application must address the entire service area, as defined in Appendix B. Comprehensive HIV care consists of core medical services and support services that enable people with HIV to access and remain in HIV primary medical care to improve their health outcomes. Based on an annual assessment of the services and gaps in the HIV care continuum within a jurisdiction, HIV Planning Councils/Planning Bodies (PCs/PBs) and RWHAP recipients identify specific service categories to fund. Activities in each funded service category should lead to improvements in HIV care continuum outcomes. RWHAP Part A EMAs and TGAs must use grant funds to support, further develop, and/or expand systems of care to meet the needs of people with HIV within the EMA/TGA and strengthen strategies to reach disproportionately impacted subpopulations. The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) requires EMAs/TGAs to collect and analyze data to identify needs, set priorities, make allocations, and validate the use of RWHAP funding. Your application should describe how you have used data to develop and enhance the system of care in your jurisdiction. HRSA encourages innovation and collaboration with other agencies and organizations to maximize impact on health outcomes and effectively meet the needs of people with HIV within the EMA/TGA. For more details, see Program Requirements and Expectations.
  • Eligibility Information Not Available
HRSA-25-016a0a295ae-3d4c-488c-8337-da1a884934db10/15/2024 Due in 27 days at 11:59 PM ET11/14/2024 Due in 57 days at 5:00 PM ET8/15/2024 Available in 34 days at 12:00 AM ETH80Health Center Program Electronic submission of application is/will be available on Grants.Gov for this funding opportunity. Please select 'Apply in' link to register and apply. Refer to the guidance for more information93.224 Open
  • Cooperative Agreement False
  • Guidance Availablility Yes
  • Purpose This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Health Center Program’s Service Area Competition (SAC). The purpose of this funding is to ensure continuity of care in the communities and populations currently served by the Health Center Program. See Program Requirements and Expectations for more details.
  • Eligibility Information Not Available
HRSA-25-0645ed75291-d98f-411e-ab86-e35e85d2a4af10/22/2024 Due in 34 days at 11:59 PM ETN/A8/22/2024 Available in 27 days at 12:00 AM ETU69National Training and Technical Assistance Electronic submission of application is/will be available on Grants.Gov for this funding opportunity. Please select 'Apply in' link to register and apply. Refer to the guidance for more information93.145 Open
  • Cooperative Agreement True
  • Guidance Availablility Yes
  • Purpose This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding for the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. – Technical Assistance Provider (TAP) (HRSA-25-064) and Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. – Systems Coordination Provider (SCP) (HRSA-25-065), as administered by the HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) in conjunction with the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Parts A and B. The purpose of this program is to fund TA and systems coordination for the 48 counties, Washington, D.C., San Juan, Puerto Rico (PR), and seven states (hereafter referred to as “jurisdictions”) identified in and funded through HRSA-20-078 (the funded entities hereafter referred to as “recipients”). The overarching goal for this initiative is to reduce new HIV infections in the United States. To reduce the new HIV infections in the United States, the EHE initiative focuses on four key strategies: •Diagnose all people with HIV as early as possible; •Treat people with HIV rapidly and effectively to reach sustained viral suppression; •Prevent new HIV transmissions by using proven interventions, including pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and syringe services programs (SSPs); and •Respond quickly to potential HIV outbreaks to get needed prevention and treatment services to people who need them. The role of HRSA HAB and its recipients under HRSA-25-063 is to focus on Treat and Respond. These recipients are encouraged to be creative as they design ways to use EHE initiative funds in conjunction with the current RWHAP Parts A and B systems of care and treatment to end the HIV epidemic in their jurisdictions. The funding directed to the recipients under HRSA-25-063 will allow jurisdictions to implement emerging, evidenced-informed, and/or evidence-based interventions to increase linkage, engagement, and retention in care in addition to funding the additional care and treatment needs of the newly identified and re-engaged individuals. There will be multiple streams of federal resources focused on jurisdictions to help them meet the goals of the EHE initiative. These new and/or expanded resources are in addition to the existing federal HIV resources, creating the need for coordination to ensure the maximum impact of all available resources. HRSA will award one cooperative agreement for each of the following announcement numbers: The TAP funded under HRSA-25-064 is responsible for providing TA to the recipients of HRSA-25-063 on implementation of work plan activities, innovative approaches, and interventions. The SCP funded under HRSA-25-065 is responsible for assisting HRSA-25-063 recipients in coordinating and integrating their initiative plans, funding sources, and programs with the existing HIV care delivery systems. In addition, the SCP will assist in identifying existing and new stakeholders, as well as collate and disseminate best practices, innovative approaches, and interventions identified by the TAP that will advance recipients’ progress in meeting the goals of the initiative.
  • Eligibility Information Not Available
HRSA-25-0632d71d06a-bac3-46f0-916d-38dc21b61c9910/22/2024 Due in 34 days at 11:59 PM ETN/A8/22/2024 Available in 27 days at 12:00 AM ETUT8Ending the HIV Epidemic: A Plan for America — Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Parts A and B Electronic submission of application is/will be available on Grants.Gov for this funding opportunity. Please select 'Apply in' link to register and apply. Refer to the guidance for more information93.686 Open
  • Cooperative Agreement True
  • Guidance Availablility Yes
  • Purpose This notice (HRSA-25-063)-announces the opportunity to apply for funding for the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. – Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Parts A and B cooperative agreement. The purpose of this initiative is to focus resources in 48 counties, Washington, D.C., San Juan, Puerto Rico (PR), and seven states with the highest incidence or burden of HIV to implement effective and innovative strategies, interventions, approaches, and services to reduce new HIV infections in the United States. The Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. (hereafter referred to as the “EHE initiative”) focuses on four key strategies: •Diagnose all people with HIV as early as possible; •Treat people with HIV rapidly and effectively to reach sustained viral suppression; •Prevent new HIV transmissions by using proven interventions; and •Respond quickly to potential HIV outbreaks to get needed prevention and treatment services to people who need them. HRSA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Centers for AIDS Research (CFARs), the Indian Health Service (IHS), Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) are collaborating on implementation of these key strategies. HRSA’s responsibilities include increasing testing and prevention among Health Center Program patients, providing access to HIV care and treatment through the RWHAP and Health Center Program, and linking people with HIV, newly diagnosed or re-identified through testing programs, to care, and responding to outbreaks. For the Ryan White Program, the EHE initiative expands the program’s ability to meet the needs of clients, specifically focusing on linking people with HIV who are either newly diagnosed, diagnosed but currently not in care, or are diagnosed and in care but not yet virally suppressed, to the essential HIV care, treatment, and support services needed to help them reach viral suppression.
  • Eligibility Information Not Available
HRSA-25-065625e40fc-7b0e-4217-b460-3bbcf83bbd4f10/22/2024 Due in 34 days at 11:59 PM ETN/A8/22/2024 Available in 27 days at 12:00 AM ETU69National Training and Technical Assistance Electronic submission of application is/will be available on Grants.Gov for this funding opportunity. Please select 'Apply in' link to register and apply. Refer to the guidance for more information93.145 Open
  • Cooperative Agreement True
  • Guidance Availablility Yes
  • Purpose This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding for the Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. – Technical Assistance Provider (TAP) (HRSA-25-064) and Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. – Systems Coordination Provider (SCP) (HRSA-25-065), as administered by the HRSA HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) in conjunction with the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Parts A and B. The purpose of this program is to fund TA and systems coordination for the 48 counties, Washington, D.C., San Juan, Puerto Rico (PR), and seven states (hereafter referred to as “jurisdictions”) identified in and funded through HRSA-20-078 (the funded entities hereafter referred to as “recipients”). The overarching goal for this initiative is to reduce new HIV infections in the United States. To reduce the new HIV infections in the United States, the EHE initiative focuses on four key strategies: •Diagnose all people with HIV as early as possible; •Treat people with HIV rapidly and effectively to reach sustained viral suppression; •Prevent new HIV transmissions by using proven interventions, including pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and syringe services programs (SSPs); and •Respond quickly to potential HIV outbreaks to get needed prevention and treatment services to people who need them. The role of HRSA HAB and its recipients under HRSA-25-063 is to focus on Treat and Respond. These recipients are encouraged to be creative as they design ways to use EHE initiative funds in conjunction with the current RWHAP Parts A and B systems of care and treatment to end the HIV epidemic in their jurisdictions. The funding directed to the recipients under HRSA-25-063 will allow jurisdictions to implement emerging, evidenced-informed, and/or evidence-based interventions to increase linkage, engagement, and retention in care in addition to funding the additional care and treatment needs of the newly identified and re-engaged individuals. There will be multiple streams of federal resources focused on jurisdictions to help them meet the goals of the EHE initiative. These new and/or expanded resources are in addition to the existing federal HIV resources, creating the need for coordination to ensure the maximum impact of all available resources. HRSA will award one cooperative agreement for each of the following announcement numbers: The TAP funded under HRSA-25-064 is responsible for providing TA to the recipients of HRSA-25-063 on implementation of work plan activities, innovative approaches, and interventions. The SCP funded under HRSA-25-065 is responsible for assisting HRSA-25-063 recipients in coordinating and integrating their initiative plans, funding sources, and programs with the existing HIV care delivery systems. In addition, the SCP will assist in identifying existing and new stakeholders, as well as collate and disseminate best practices, innovative approaches, and interventions identified by the TAP that will advance recipients’ progress in meeting the goals of the initiative.
  • Eligibility Information Not Available
HRSA-25-0171fc0f417-6c7e-4443-9769-dd625b1348f510/29/2024 Due in 41 days at 11:59 PM ET12/2/2024 Due in 75 days at 5:00 PM ET8/29/2024 Available in 20 days at 12:00 AM ETH80Health Center Program Electronic submission of application is/will be available on Grants.Gov for this funding opportunity. Please select 'Apply in' link to register and apply. Refer to the guidance for more information93.224 Open
  • Cooperative Agreement False
  • Guidance Availablility Yes
  • Purpose This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Health Center Program’s Service Area Competition (SAC). The purpose of this funding is to ensure continuity of care in the communities and populations currently served by the Health Center Program. See Program Requirements and Expectations for more details.
  • Eligibility Information Not Available
HRSA-25-0467d2f9430-2342-40fb-b74b-b8ef83e1ede011/4/2024 Due in 47 days at 11:59 PM ETN/A9/3/2024 Available in 15 days at 12:00 AM ETX09ADAP Relief Electronic submission of application is/will be available on Grants.Gov for this funding opportunity. Please select 'Apply in' link to register and apply. Refer to the guidance for more information93.917 Open
  • Cooperative Agreement False
  • Guidance Availablility Yes
  • Purpose This notice announces the opportunity to apply for funding under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part B AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP) Emergency Relief Funds (ERF). The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB), Division of State HIV/AIDS Programs (DSHAP) administers this program. ADAP ERF awards are intended for states/territories that demonstrate the need for additional resources to address a reduction in available resources to fund ADAP. HRSA will base ADAP ERF awards upon your ability to successfully demonstrate need for additional funding. An external merit review panel (MRP) will evaluate this need based on criteria published in this notice of funding opportunity (NOFO), with priority given to addressing existing waiting lists. HRSA first funded the ADAP ERF initiative in August 2010, when numerous states/territories were experiencing ADAP waiting lists. At the time of this NOFO publication, there are no ADAP waiting lists. States/territories that establish a waiting list after the publication of this NOFO must report the waiting list to HRSA immediately and use funding awarded under this NOFO to remove clients from the waiting list. Previously, eligibility for this funding was limited to states/territories that had historically imposed waiting lists. HRSA continues to anticipate potential increases in clients in need of ADAP services due to reductions in program income or rebates, loss of health care coverage among people with HIV, and increased case finding. States/territories may use ERF funds to address current or projected increases in treatment needs aligned with ending the HIV epidemic in the U.S. or other increases in the number of clients in their ADAP.
  • Eligibility Information Not Available

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